Service Requests

Extending Service Requests

In some cases, a user may need to request an extension for a Service Request in order to keep using the Service Resources. This is called a "Service Request Extension".

How to Request an Extension

When a Service Request is nearing expiration, you will begin receiving email notifications to keep you informed. As soon as possible, you should decide if you wish to continue using the Service Resources by requesting an extension, or if you wish to discontinue using the Service Resources.

Your organization's policies will determine if an extension is available, and if so, what approvals are required. If an extension is available, you should request an extension by clicking the "Request Extension" button. Because approvals may be required, you should start this process as early as you can in order to finish before your deadline.

No Approvals Required

If no approvals are required, Concierge will automatically extend the Service Request. There's nothing further for you to do.

Approvals Required

If approvals are required, Concierge will start the process immediately by sending out notifications to the people who are responsible for approving your Service Request. You should wait for the approval process to complete, which may vary depending on the complexity of the approval process and how quickly people respond.

You will be able to watch the approval process status in a tab on the Service Request page. Once the approval process has completed successfully, Concierge will automatically extend the Service Request.

Reviewing Service Requests