

There are many notifications in a Concierge account. Common notifications include for expiring Service Requests as well as to request Reviews. Your policy can define the frequency of these notifications.

Policy notifications

Your account contains a series of settings that control notifications. On a policy by policy basis, you can choose to override your account notification settings.

Review reminders

This setting controls how often Concierge will remind users to respond to their Review Requests. The default is every two days.

If you prefer to remind users less frequently, you can set the frequency to a lower value by increasing the interval.

Service Request expiration notices

This setting controls how often Concierge will notify users about their Service Requests expiring. By default there are three notifications before expiration at 14, 7 and then 3 days before expiration.

Adjust the values of the day intervals to control the timing of these notifications.

Review requirements