
Review requirements

A policy can also define the review requirements that a Service Request must go through before it's ready for deployment.

In the default policy, no review is required. A Service Request is automatically approved and sent to users with the Deployer role for deployment.

However, this doesn't allow you to answer the question "Who approved this Service Request." If you want to track who approved a Service Request, you can apply a policy that requires some type of approval process.

Review points

There are four points within the lifecycle of a Service Request that can require a review:

  • Submission: The user submits the Service Request.
  • Modification: The user requests changes to the Service Request. For example, perhaps they are requesting more RAM on a virtual machine.
  • Extension: The Service Request had a limited lifetime, and the user wishes to keep using the resources.
  • Transfer: The user wishes to transfer the Service Request to another user.

All four Review points have the same structure. However, most organizations will not have the same review requirements for each point. Perhaps they have a review requirement on Submission, but there is a simple review on Modification and no reviews required for Extension or Transfer. Whatever your requirements, you can model that within a Policy.

Structure of a Review

A review consists of one or more Review Requirement. Similar to Policy Filters, you can combine and evaluate Review Requirements with an AND or an OR.

Review Sources

There are several different types of review sources available. In most cases, you can also comine this with a number reflecting the minimum number of approvals required from that source. This will become more clear in the examples section.

Approver role

In this review source, all Concierge users who hold the "Approver" role will be asked to view and approve the Service Request.

You can specify a minimum number of approvals required from this role. For example, if you specify "2" here, then at least two Concierge users with the Approver role must approve the Service Request before it is ready for deployment.


In this review source, an approval will be required from the user's manager. This requires a manager to be specified in the user's Profile or in Azure Active Directory.

Security group

In this review source, all users within a specified security group will be asked to view and approve the Service Request.

You can specify a minimum number of approvals required from this group.

This review source requires that your Concierge account be linked with Azure Active Directory.

All of

In this review source, all of the specified users will be asked to review and approve the Service Request. If even one user votes to reject, the Service Request will not be approved.

Any of

In this review source, all of the specified users will be asked to review and approve the Service Request. However if you receive at least one approval, the Service Request will be approved.

You can specify a minimum number of approvals required from this group.


In this review source, all of the specified users will be asked to review and approve the Service Request. However, the process will be ordered. The first user to approve the Service Request will be the first to see the Service Request, and if approved, will move on to the next user.

However, if even one user votes to reject, the Service Request will not be approved.

Review examples

Single review source

A simple review requirement contains a single review source.

For example, the Creation review could require:

AnyOf: Bill, John, Mary, Susan, and Steve
MinimumApprovals: 2

The review request would automatically be sent to Bill, John, Mary, Susan and Steve. The Service Request will be approved as soon as it receives two approvals.

Multiple review sources

A multiple review requirement contains mulitple review sources. These are evaluated with an AND or an OR.

Using the example above, the Creation review could require:

AnyOf: Bill, John, Mary, Susan, and Steve
MinimumApprovals: 2

but we add an additional Review Source:


In this example, the review request would automatically be sent to Bill, John, Mary, Susan, Steve and the user's Manager. The Service Request will be approved as soon as it receives two approvals AND the approval of the user's manager.
